Hot Topics, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
Your Thyroid Affects Many Of Your Bodily Functions In this article we wish to address some of the other things that the thyroid can influence. We often do not think about other problems beside the common problems such as weight gain, fatigue, and hair loss. The...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
We recently discussed the effects of gluten regarding autoimmune thyroid also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is clear gluten can lead to increased destruction of the thyroid resulting in hypothyroid (low) function. However, there are several other factors that...
Detox, Hot Topics, Symptoms
Methylation? What exactly is methylation? It is an overlooked, extremely important biochemical reaction and an essential biochemical reaction that takes place in every single cell of our body. Without methylation, we would cease to exist. It is estimated that a...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Thyroid Health
Low thyroid function or hypothyroid affects approximately 15 million in the US. Hypothyroid is the most common thyroid disorder. It is five times more common in women compared to men in the US according to the Academy of Family Physicians in 2004.The generic form of...