Hot Topics, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
Your Thyroid Affects Many Of Your Bodily Functions In this article we wish to address some of the other things that the thyroid can influence. We often do not think about other problems beside the common problems such as weight gain, fatigue, and hair loss. The...
Arthritis, Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
What are lipopolysaccharides (LPS)? Lipopolysaccharides are molecules that can be extremely inflammatory to the human body and originate from an excessive overgrowth of primarily gram-negative bacteria which are found in the small intestine. This overgrowth of...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
You might say that your gut is your immune system! It is estimated that approximately 70% of your entire immune system resides in the lining of your digestive tract/gut. In our previous newsletter, we listed the other major immune organs and how stress influences...