Hot Topics, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
Your Thyroid Affects Many Of Your Bodily Functions In this article we wish to address some of the other things that the thyroid can influence. We often do not think about other problems beside the common problems such as weight gain, fatigue, and hair loss. The...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
First, what exactly is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common form of low thyroid or hypothyroidism. It is estimated to make up 70-90% of all hypothyroid/low thyroid problems in the United States and most of the world. Hashimoto’s...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
Does gluten really have a significant impact on the body, and can it potentially cause a lot of health issues and inflammation? Isn’t gluten just a problem if someone has celiac disease? What exactly is gluten and what foods contain it? Why has gluten become such a...
Arthritis, Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
In this segment of the newsletter we will explain the connection between lipopolysaccharides (LPS), the immune system and the resulting inflammation that damages the cartilage of the joints leading to osteoarthritis. This can result in the need for many medications...
Chiropractic Basics, Detox, Hot Topics, Symptoms
There is more recent research that has been connecting the rapid increase in diabetes and insulin resistance to toxins found in our water, food, air and environment. Certain studies have been showing that many of these endocrine disruptive toxins damage the liver, fat...