Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms, Thyroid Health
First, what exactly is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common form of low thyroid or hypothyroidism. It is estimated to make up 70-90% of all hypothyroid/low thyroid problems in the United States and most of the world. Hashimoto’s...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
There is a lot of confusion between these three terms. Many people do not know where they fit or if they even have any of these problems associated with glutens. Not everybody who has a gluten sensitivity will necessarily have digestive problems when consuming gluten...
Hot Topics, Nutritional, Symptoms
Does gluten really have a significant impact on the body, and can it potentially cause a lot of health issues and inflammation? Isn’t gluten just a problem if someone has celiac disease? What exactly is gluten and what foods contain it? Why has gluten become such a...